
Sweating is a body function that is essential for regulating body temperature. But when bacteria act on sweat, it sometimes  result in unpleasant body odor, especially in the armpit areas. You may need deodorants to prevent this from happening.

Bacteria multiply rapidly in warm areas, such as the underarm, causing the bad smell. Deodorants contain substances that counteract the smelly sweat and have an antibacterial action. They do not actually stop the sweat glands from producing sweat; they just hide the unpleasant odor caused by bacteria buildup in the affected areas. If you are prone to excessive sweating, you will still sweat a lot even when using deodorants, but the embarrassing smell that accompanies your hyperhidrosis will be barely noticeable.

Commercial Deodorants

Mum, the first commercially-available deodorant came out in 1888 and was patented in the USA. In 1952, Mum was removed from the market after its patent expired. A new technology using ball roll-on was introduced to manufacture and repackaged Mum, it was then called Ban Roll-On. It was later sold not only in the USA with the brand name Ban, but also in the UK where it was popularly known as Mum Solid or Mum Pump Spray.

Nowadays, a lot of deodorants are in the market competing for the best brand that will leave you smelling good while reducing sweating. Deodorants are applied to sweating areas not only for the armpits but also for the hand and foot. But when talking about commercial deodorants, the common notion is deodorants for the armpits.

Using deodorants will surely solve your problem about foul smelling armpits, but sometimes they leave underarm stain on your shirts. Some deodorants cause skin irritation causing dark armpits. This is because deodorants have alcohol as a diluent agent. An open wound or pores can cause itchiness and swelling in the underarm that can trigger excessive sweating again. When you notice that a certain brand of deodorants causes your skin irritation, immediately discontinue using the product.

Natural Deodorants

Natural deodorants are hypoallergenic because they come from ingredients that can be found in abundance in the kitchen or the backyard garden.

  • Mineral or rock salts create a layer on the underarm skin preventing bacteria to grow.
  • Witch hazel is perfect for facial sweating. The herb shrinks the pores and acts as a natural astringent. Use the extract or oil of the leaves and bark of witch hazel shrubs and dab it on your face using a cotton ball.
  • Baking soda neutralizes the molecules responsible for the smell and keeps the affected area dry. It contains alkaline that makes evaporation of acidic sweat faster. This is very effective for hand and underarm sweating.
  • Tea Tree Oil  has been used against foot sweating. It has also an antifungal action that prevents foot fungus. The oil serves as an astringent that dries out the skin.

Make Your Own Deodorant

Some homemade deodorants are effective in slowing down bacterial growth and preventing the affected areas to stink. Here are two easy ways to prepare your own natural deodorants.

  • To make a deodorant powder using baking soda and cornstarch, mix ½ cup of baking soda and equal part of cornstarch in a glass jar. Shake the jar to blend. Add a few drops of essential oils like lavender, cinnamon or other essential oils. Using a damp washcloth, sprinkle a little powder and pat on the affected area. Leave and don’t rinse.
  • To make liquid deodorant, combine ¼ cup each of extract or essential oil of witch hazel, aloevera gel and mineral water. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin and a few drops of antibacterial essential oil like lavender. On a spray bottle, mix all ingredients and shake.

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